Excuses Business Owners Make for Not Having a Website
12th September 2016
SEO & Marketing

Excuses Business Owners Make for Not Having a Website

We are at the forefront of technological evolution. More and more customers are going mobile. Ecommerce is breaking records every year. Yet, amidst all this, more than half of all businesses in Australia do not have a website.

As a web design agency specialising in web design for small and medium businesses, we have noticed a pattern. Here, we discuss some of the common excuses most small businesses make for not having a website in today’s times.

It’s Expensive

That’s not entirely true. If you do your research, and assess the options, you may realise that not all websites are expensive. Sure, web design isn’t cheap, but it’s not out of your reach either. You don’t necessarily have to spend thousands of dollars. There are many affordable options today.

Moreover, a website is not an expense. It is an investment that will reap rich dividends if done right. Would you spare any expense when building a strong sales team for your business? A website can be your sales arsenal and much more. You just need the right web design agency.

I Have More Customers than I Can Handle

That’s the goal of every business – to have more customers than they can handle. No one starts a business to stay content with a mediocre sales figure. Growth is the second nature of any business.

A website can help grow your business consistently and can free up your time. Imagine all the time savings an online presence can bring to your business.

Moreover, you don’t know what you’ve missed until you experience it. More and more customers are carrying out searches on their smartphones to find local businesses. Your target customers are in fact looking for you online.

It only makes sense to have a presence where your customers are looking.

I have Social Media Presence, and that’s Enough

Facebook is a wonderful platform to market your business. There’s no two ways about that. However, there are limitations.

Facebook does not give you total control that your own website can.

There’s only so much you can do to enlighten your customers on Facebook. You need a website that can take them to the next stage in the sales process. This can only be achieved with a well done website.

I Don’t Have the Time to Manage a Website

When you can find time for a cup of coffee, you can certainly find time for managing a website. After all, that’s how long it takes to manage a website. In fact, many web design agencies offer managed solutions. You won’t have to do a thing to manage your website.

Ditch Your Excuses, Get a Website Now

The best thing that can happen to your business is just a click away. Future proof your business with a stunning website and set out on the path of consistent growth. Contact Digital Developments today for a free consultation.