When embarking on a creative endeavor, be it for print or web, understanding the end user is of paramount importance. While it may be tempting to design for the sheer pleasure of the process, this approach is not always the most productive when it comes to problem-solving through design. Rather, what truly matters is setting a clear and concise brief from the outset. By doing so, the likelihood of producing an end product that meets the intended objectives is vastly increased.
Establish clear objectives from the beginning.
For instance, let’s say I decide to create a calendar for personal use. The design of this calendar will be constrained by the limitations of my printing equipment. In my specific case, I possess an A3 printer at home, which allows me to design a product that closely resembles a store-bought item. However, if the intended audience is meant to print the calendar at home, I would need to rethink the design as the average person does not have access to such a printer.
Contemplate the intended audience.
The same principle applies to website design. It is crucial to take into account the audience and their preferred method of interaction. If the target audience primarily accesses the website through mobile devices, then the design must be tailored accordingly. Neglecting this crucial factor can lead to a website that appears flawless on a desktop but is unusable on mobile devices, which can be frustrating for users.