Free operating system, OSX Yosemite
21st October 2014

Free operating system, OSX Yosemite

I nearly decided to call this post ‘Free stuff for non-Windows users’ but thought I should be a touch more formal with my header. Apple have just released their latest desktop operating system, absolutely free for current owners of Apple hardware.

Loads of new features help bring your iPhone and desktop experience closer together. Years ago, nobody would have even dreamed up having your computer ring when your phone does. I know texting from your desktop machine been possible for some time, but it’s a huge timesaver being able to text any phone using my real Mac keyboard rather than the phone’s keyboard. I can now text anybody too, not just those who have iPhones. My other favourite update is that when you’re using your iPhone as a hotspot, your Mac knows the current battery and network signal. When I used to commute on the train, this saves looking for your phone when you’re cramped in socially unacceptable spaces. Something else I’m sure to become a fan of is Mail Drop, allowing attachments of up to 5GB to not get lost in a land of unsendable emails.

There’s plenty more, but for the outlay of zero dollars it’s certainly worth your time. The 5GB download took us 1-2 hours to download and under half an hour for the machine to load up the new operating system. As always, it never hurts to have backups of your files incase something goes wrong. Happy computing!